How to do cable bicep curl

Coach's Tips

Ensure your upper body remains still and maintain constant tension throughout the exercise!

Start Position

1. Ensure that your upper arms remain stationary during the movement.

2. Refrain from swinging the cable handle as you lift it.

3. Keep your back from arching as you lift the cable handle.

Proper Form

1. With your upper arms stable, exhale and pull the cable handle towards your chest.

2. Pause briefly before inhaling and carefully return the cable handle to the original position.

3. Continue for your chosen number of repetitions.

Breathing Technique

1. Breathe out as you pull the cable handle towards your chest.

2. Breathe in as you lower the cable handle to the initial position.


1. Stand with feet aligned with your hips, holding a cable handle with an underhand grip (palms facing upward).

2. Set the cable handle at shoulder level and extend your arms.

3. Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.

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