How to do neutral grip assisted pull up

Coach's Tips

This exercise can target the inner back muscles more effectively than traditional pull-ups.

Start Position

1. Stand below the pull-up bar.

2. Place your hands shoulder-width apart with palms facing each other.

3. Tighten your core and align your body straight from head to toe.

Proper Form

1. With your core tightened and body aligned, pull yourself upwards towards the bar.

2. Pause briefly when your chin is in line with the bar.

3. Gradually lower yourself back to the starting position.

Breathing Technique

1. Inhale as you lower yourself.

2. Exhale while pulling yourself up.


1. Maintain a straight line in your body and keep your core engaged during the entire exercise.

2. Avoid jerking or swinging your body as you pull up.

3. If you experience any pain or discomfort, cease the exercise immediately and seek advice from a healthcare expert.

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