If you're finding it challenging to simultaneously lift both your arms and legs at the beginning, start by raising just your arms. As you progress, modify the difficulty by incorporating the legs.
1. Begin by lying on your back on an exercise mat with bent knees and feet firmly planted on the ground.
2. Position your arms at your sides with palms facing downward.
3. Tighten and engage your core muscles.
1. Exhale while elevating your arms and legs off the ground as high as possible.
2. Inhale as you gradually lower your arms and legs back to the initial position.
3. Continue to repeat the movement.
1. Breathe out as you lift your arms and legs off the floor.
2. Breathe in while bringing your arms and legs back down to the start position.
1. Ensure your core remains engaged during the entire exercise.
2. Refrain from arching your back or lifting your hips as you elevate your arms and legs.
3. Avoid sudden or jerky motions. Maintain a slow and controlled movement pattern.
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