How to do reverse lunge

Coach's Tips

This exercise involves bending down while extending one leg backward. Concentrate on engaging your core muscles to maintain stability.

Start Position

1. Stand tall with your feet together, keeping your chest lifted and core engaged.

2. Move one foot back, ensuring your feet stay hip-width apart.

3. Bend the knee of your front leg while lowering your body until the back knee is nearly touching the ground.

Proper Form

1. Press through the heel of your front foot to return to the initial standing position.

2. Switch to the other side and repeat.

3. Continue for the intended number of reps.

Breathing Technique

1. Inhale deeply as you step back into the lunge posture.

2. Exhale as you press off the front heel to rise back up.


1. Ensure your front knee aligns directly above your ankle.

2. Keep your chest elevated and core engaged during the entire movement.

3. Avoid leaning too far forward or arching your lower back.

4. Do not allow the front knee to extend past your toes.

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