How to do neutral grip chin up

Coach's Tips

This exercise targets the lower back and biceps muscles and is generally easier than a standard pull-up. Remember not to hunch forward and keep your chest elevated!

Start Position

1. Start by gripping the bar with your palms facing each other in a neutral position.

2. Hang from the bar with your arms fully outstretched.

3. Tighten your core and glutes to keep your spine in a neutral position while performing the exercise.

Proper Form

1. Pull your chest towards the bar using your back and arm strength.

2. Keep your elbows close to your sides as you lift.

3. Pause briefly at the top, then slowly lower yourself back to the beginning posture.

Breathing Technique

1. Breathe in as you lower yourself to the start position.

2. Breathe out while lifting your chest to the bar.


1. Ensure your core and glutes remain engaged to maintain a neutral spine during the workout.

2. Avoid swinging or using momentum to perform the lift.

3. Beginners might need assistance from a band or machine to complete the exercise properly.

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