무릎을 꿇고 팔을 머리 위로 올리세요.
1. Ensure your elbows remain stationary throughout the exercise.
2. Avoid moving the weight excessively behind your head to prevent injury.
3. Maintain engaged core muscles and an upright torso during the entire exercise.
1. With elbows fixed, gently bring the weight down behind your head until your arms form a 90-degree angle.
2. Breathe out while lowering the weight.
3. Contract your triceps and raise the weight back to the initial position.
4. Inhale as you push the weight upward.
1. Breathe out when lowering the load.
2. Inhale as you elevate the weight back up.
1. Kneel on the ground, ensuring your torso remains upright and core muscles are engaged.
2. Hold onto a dumbbell or barbell with palms facing each other.
3. Stretch your arms upward, maintaining elbows in a locked position.
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