When performing movements that engage the gluteus medius, focus on targeting your hips and lower your leg slowly.
1. Sit on the ground or a workout mat with your feet flat.
2. Attach a cable machine handle to your ankle and connect it to the cable machine.
3. Position your feet slightly wider than hip-width.
4. Engage your core and keep your back straight.
1. Breathe out while moving your leg outward to the side, keeping toes pointed outward.
2. Pause at the top of the lift, then breathe in and gently lower your leg back to start.
3. Continue this movement with the same leg for the set number of repetitions.
4. Switch to the other leg and repeat the exercise.
1. Exhale as you elevate your leg.
2. Inhale as you return your leg to the original position.
1. Ensure your core is engaged and maintain a straight back throughout.
2. Avoid rapid or unsteady motions.
3. Do not lift your leg excessively high to prevent hip flexor strain.
4. Maintain a neutral back position during the exercise.
5. Avoid locking your knee when lifting.
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