Leap onto the box using both feet, engaging your entire body for the jump.
1. Position yourself with feet aligned with your shoulders.
2. Either place your hands on your hips or stretch them in front for balance.
3. Gaze straight ahead, keeping your head up and chest forward.
4. Slightly bend your knees.
1. Propel yourself upward onto the box, pushing through your heels with force.
2. Land softly on the box simultaneously with both feet.
3. Descend by stepping off or jumping down, adjusting to the box’s height.
4. Repeat.
1. Breathe out when you ascend onto the box.
2. Inhale as you step or jump down from the box.
1. Ensure the box is solid and won't move.
2. Begin with a shorter box, and heighten it as you gain confidence.
3. If you’re new, avoid jumping excessively high.
4. Keep your landings away from the box's edges.
5. Don’t lock your knees upon landing.
6. Land with your full foot, not just the toes.
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