Ensure that your head and chest remain stationary and start by engaging your scapula to enhance the sensation of your back muscles working!
1. Begin by lying on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you.
2. Keep your feet together and maintain a neutral position for your head and neck.
1. Gently lift your arms and legs off the ground as high as possible while keeping your head, neck, and shoulders steady.
2. Pause in this position for a few moments, then return your arms and legs to the initial position.
1. Inhale as you elevate your arms and legs away from the floor.
2. Exhale as you return your arms and legs to the starting position.
1. Ensure that your head, neck, and shoulders remain stable throughout the exercise.
2. Refrain from arching your back when lifting your arms and legs.
3. Avoid holding your breath while performing the exercise.
4. If you experience any discomfort or pain, discontinue the exercise immediately.
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