How to do single arm cable kickback

Coach's Tips

This exercise is great for developing thick forearms in men and achieving well-defined forearm lines in women. Keep your elbows elevated and positioned at your sides!

Start Position

1. Ensure your upper arm remains parallel to the ground for the duration of the movement.

2. Avoid using momentum to lift the weight; perform the exercise with controlled movements.

3. Discontinue if you experience any shoulder pain or discomfort.

Proper Form

1. Maintain your upper arm parallel to the ground, keeping your elbow steady; extend your arm backward as much as you can.

2. Hold the position momentarily at the end of the movement, then gradually return to the starting position.

3. Perform the repetitions as planned.

Breathing Technique

1. Inhale while extending your arm backward.

2. Exhale as you bring your arm back to the starting position.


1. Position yourself facing the cable machine with your left side nearest to it.

2. Attach a single handle to the lower pulley cable and adjust the weight to suit your needs.

3. Grip the handle with your left hand and step back to create tension on the cable.

4. Slightly bend your left knee and elevate your left elbow towards the ceiling, ensuring your upper arm stays parallel to the ground.

5. Align your left hand with your shoulder, with your palm facing inward.

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