Using a machine allows me to securely position my elbow. This helps you concentrate on isolating the biceps since the weight is lifted solely through bicep strength!
1. Ensure that your back and head remain straight for the duration of the exercise.
2. Avoid swinging your arms or using body momentum to lift the weight.
3. Refrain from locking your elbows at the peak of the movement.
1. Initiate the exercise by bringing your arms toward your shoulders.
2. Breathe out as you curl your arms upward and inhale as you lower them.
3. Maintain still elbows and a straight back and head throughout.
4. Lower your arms until your elbows are slightly bent.
1. Exhale during the arm curl and inhale while lowering.
2. Ensure your breathing remains smooth and controlled throughout.
1. Seat yourself on the Preacher Curl Machine and adjust the seat so that your arms level with the pad. Place your arms on the pad and hold the handles.
2. Keep your back and head erect and elbows stable.
3. Start with your arms slightly bent.
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