How to do narrow grip pull up

Coach's Tips

Perform pull-ups with a narrow grip.

Start Position

1. Stand under a pull-up bar and grasp it with your hands close together, palms facing away.

2. Keep your hands slightly closer than shoulder-width apart and palms facing outward.

3. Engage your core and glutes, ensuring your body remains aligned.

Proper Form

1. Initiate the movement by pulling your elbows down towards your hips and bringing your chest up to the bar.

2. Ensure your shoulders remain down and back throughout the exercise.

3. Once your chest meets the bar, pause briefly, then gradually return to the starting position.

Breathing Technique

1. Breathe in while lowering your body to the initial position.

2. Breathe out as you pull your elbows down and lift your chest towards the bar.


1. Keep your shoulder blades down and back during the entire movement.

2. Refrain from swinging your body to create momentum.

3. Avoid arching your back or straining your neck muscles.

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