Take advantage of the rebound since you're combining a jump with a pull-up. It's easier than a standard pull-up, making it beginner-friendly!
1. Stand underneath a pull-up bar.
2. Reach up and grip the bar with an overhand grasp, slightly wider than shoulder width.
3. Bring your feet together and tuck your tailbone to engage your core.
1. Initiate the move by jumping up and holding the bar.
2. Pull your body up until your chin exceeds the bar level.
3. Return to the starting position by lowering yourself.
1. Breathe out as you pull your body upward.
2. Breathe in as you lower your body back down.
1. Have a spotter if you're new to this exercise.
2. Ensure proper form and engage your core to avoid injuries.
3. Begin with fewer reps and sets, and slowly increase as you build strength and confidence.
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