How to do kettlebell deadlift

Coach's Tips

The kettlebell deadlift is an excellent introduction to those new to barbell exercises. Maintain a hip hinge and an arched position to avoid bending at the waist!

Start Position

1. Position your feet shoulder-width apart and grip a kettlebell in one hand in front of your body.

2. Ensure your back is straight, chest lifted, and core engaged.

3. Slightly bend your knees and initiate a hip hinge to grasp the kettlebell.

Proper Form

1. With your back aligned and core engaged, push through your heels to rise.

2. As you ascend, keep the kettlebell close to your body.

3. Upon reaching an upright stance, hold briefly, then gradually lower the weight back to the initial position.

Breathing Technique

1. Exhale while you lift, and inhale as you return the weight to the original position.

2. Maintain a steady and controlled breathing rhythm throughout the exercise.


1. Ensure your back remains aligned and core active at all times.

2. Avoid lifting excessively heavy weights; proper form is crucial for performance.

3. Refrain from locking your knees at the apex of the movement; keep a slight bend in your legs during the exercise.

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